Work is proceeding on replacement of the Fontana-Carpi water supply pipeline of the Carpi aqueduct

A successful case history that will be presented at Accadueo.


Work is proceeding on the first part of the project to replace the pipeline from Fontana di Rubiera to Carpi, supplying water to the entire city. The project is being conducted by Aimag, which manages the integrated water cycle, the natural gas distribution service, the environmental hygiene services, and the public lighting service for the city of Carpi.


The project involves replacement of the obsolete DN350 with a significant impact on development and renewal of the local infrastructure to safeguard and upgrade a precious resource like water. Work began on 19 February, and completion is scheduled for the end of summer 2018.


The Carpi experience will be presented at Accadueo, where Mayor Alberto Bellelli and Aimag will be participating in the opening conference of H2O.


The first part will involve the laying of 6,400 meters of latest-generation cast-iron pipe with spigot-and-socket joints. This material provides high performance in terms of resistance and durability and ease and speed of laying. The cast-iron pipes will be coated externally with polyurethane foam and internally with heat-centrifuged cement mortar (compliant with Italian Ministerial Decree no. 174 of 2004) for contact with drinking water. The laying of this section will involve interference with other entities and services, including various crossings and parallelisms with consortium canals and two intersections with SNAM natural gas pipelines. In these circumstances the no-dig technology will be employed.


Overall, the new aqueduct of the project will be approx. 15 km long and pass through the municipal areas of Rubiera, Campogalliano and Carpi, with a path as close as possible to the local link road known as Via Fornace. The entire project will involve the division of the work into three independent lots, to be implemented in three different, successive phases. After the first section, to be completed in summer 2018, the project will continue with subsequent steps:


  • the second part will consist of laying the pipeline from the waterworks of Campo Pozzi di Fontana to the motorway crossover. This part of the project will be especially complex because of the crossing of the A1+TAV block, which will be achieved with the trenchless technique and the laying of Reinforced Concrete Sheath Pipe in micro-tunneling.
  • The third part of the project involves laying the third section from Via Cicerone to the built-up area of Carpi, with distribution lines. The construction of the new supply pipeline will coincide with the refurbishing of the portion of the principal distribution manifold of Carpi still to be modernized.


The project has the dual objective of reducing the quantity of pipeline that can generate dispersion of asbestos fibres and remodulating the water volumes to the greater requirements of the city of Carpi, which have expanded over the years with a significant increase in population. The project will bring other advantages such as significant energy savings and a better quality level of the service provided.


The complete renewal of the supply line is part of a four-year plan of investments for which € 13.5 million have already been appropriated.