In recent years SMAT, the Metropolitan Water Company of Turin, has dedicated a significant portion of its structure and resources to research and innovation, participating in prestigious national and international projects and attracting new talent and qualified collaborators.


This is why SMAT was awarded the Top Utility Research &Development prize for 2018, received during the presentation of “The Performance of Italian Utilities: Analysis of the 100 Best Energy, Water, Gas and Waste Management Companies", a study conducted by RSE Ricerca Sistema Energetico and Althesys Strategic Consultants.


A few figures from activity in 2017:

  • 43 research projects, 21 of them concluded
  • 3 projects financed by EU Horizon 2020
  • 41 partners, 15 of them Academic Entities
  • 160% of profits to research.





SMAT - Società Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.A.

Corso XI Febbraio, 14
10152 Turin. Italy
Tel. +39 011 4645.111