The ability to adapt to climate change is one of the chief challenges water service managers must face in the near future. At the start of December, SMAT gathered sector experts to present the most significant research conducted by Utilities, Universities, R&D Centers, and Industries in the field of applied research for water services. The collaboration of SMAT with Olivetti based on the NB-IoT cellular technology has resulted in the development of remote monitoring devices that can isolate network leaks in real time and read meters even in the most difficult, hard-to-reach places, the collaboration with Thales Alenia Space on projects related to the space missions, including the PERSEO water jacket to protect astronauts from the spatial radiations to which they are continuously exposed, the methods for monitoring from space water resources not visible on the surface, the management of water collected in space for human use and as a source of propellants for space transport, the PIUME project generated by the need to support humans in extreme situations and conditions: these are a few examples of excellence that H2O is monitoring in preparation for the new edition in October 2018.

