Producing biomethane from sewage and transforming purification plants into biorefineries; utilizing microalgae to optimize the water purification process; recovering phosphorus from purification sludge and using it as a biological fertilizer in agriculture and gardening. Without mentioning the innovative introduction of drones for meter reading.


These are just a few of the cutting-edge features of #Waterevolution, through which CAP Group is driving sustainable innovation in water resource management in the Milan Metropolitan Area.


“We cannot speak of smart city without mentioning innovation in integrated water service," comments Alessandro Russo, chairman and CEO of CAP Group. "In line with the objectives of Agenda 2030, we aim to implement new technologies to accompany sustainable development in the area, with a view to circular economy and a climate of dialogue and interaction with local communities and entities."


Part of this strategy is Perform Water 2030, the first widespread platform for researching, developing and implementing technologies and decision-making instruments that will ensure increasingly effective management of the integrated water service. To achieve this project, which involves a network of top-flight industrial companies, two universities, and a research institute, the facilities and company structures will become innovation laboratories.





CAP Group

Via del Mulino, 2 - Palazzo U10
20090 Assago (MI)

T: 02 825021