We are proud to announce that the Confindustria Puglia has granted patronage to Accadueo, the international event that brings together the professionals of the water sector scheduled to take place at the Nuova Fiera del Levante in Bari from 27 to 28 November 2024, and will be providing favourable conditions for the member companies that will be attending the event.
“Confindustria Puglia pays close attention to the specialist fairs that are organized in the area; it encourages them and supports innovative events like Accadueo”, says Cesare Pierpaolo De Palma, Co-Coordinator of the Education and Mechanics technical group of Confindustria Puglia, who goes on to explain: “The mechanical aspects of the water supply chain are very important for the Apulian territory. The longstanding history of the largest aqueduct in Europe and the century-old need to optimize the agricultural and industrial use of this precious resource has stimulated major evolutionary processes in the Apulian industrial system. There are specific supply chains involving water: the large carpentry works, the treatment plants, the digital and remote control of the networks, water purification and distribution. A supply chain that sees the involvement of large, medium and small businesses".
“Businesses need constant support and are to be adequately represented. This is why the Apulian Confindustria System stands alongside mechanics companies in the water supply chain to assist them in innovation, technological transfer, training of resources and the internationalization of their industrial skills. We will follow the developments of the Accadueo Fair very carefully”, concludes De Palma.