Water, Accadueo heading to Bari: Unveiling Next-Gen Water Solutions for Central-Southern Italy and the Mediterranean
Organized by BolognaFiere Water&Energy - BFWE, the event is set for 27-28 November 2024 at Nuova Fiera del Levante, Bari. The focus will be on new technologies, regulatory frameworks, funding mechanism, and regional, national and European policies. All of these aspects will be deeply explored within the context of the central-southern territory, with its specific challenges and potentials.
Accadueo, the international event for water professionals organized by BolognaFiere Water&Energy - BFWE, expands and arrives for its 17th edition in Bari.
Starting this year, Accadueo will be hosted at Bari's Nuova Fiera del Levante in even-numbered years, providing a platform to strengthen strategic and industrial alliances in the water service sector among companies, operators and institutions of the Central South and the countries bordering the Mediterranean.
The seventeenth edition of Accadueo is scheduled for November 27-28, and will continue its traditional presence in Bologna in odd-numbered years.
The event will feature exhibition areas alongside conference and training events. It will therefore discuss reuse, digitization, desalination, irrigation, recovery, smart metering, purification and all those innovative technologies that contribute to minimizing water losses, ensuring the continuous supply of quality drinking water and modernizing infrastructure with a view to the circular economy.
All these topics have always been addressed at Accadueo, and this year in Bari they will be dropped into the reality of the area: The central-southern region faces specific challenges and potentials; with a few exceptions, generally, its water service is less efficient and has higher water losses compared to Northern Italy. The aim is to collaboratively explore the underlying causes of water inefficiencies and to identify actionable solutions.
Focus will be made on the functioning of various water services in the single regions and the opportunities arising from collaboration with countries in the Mediterranean Basin. Accadueo will also be an opportunity to strengthen relations and dialogue between managers, regions and municipalities of Central-Southern Italy, overcoming the current excessive fragmentation. Additionally, there will be updates on funding from the PNRR and Italian and European policies that are reshaping the sector towards alternative models.
The exhibition area will offer a firsthand look at the latest innovations showcasing cutting-edge technologies and materials used by the companies committed to modernizing the water service.
"Given the great success of the three-day event in Bologna in October, BFWE has decided to explore new chances in the Central South by planning this new stop in Puglia. The goal is to help companies and operators seize all the opportunities offered by the territory. The Bari event is also a chance to promote greater dialogue between regional and municipal administrations for a more efficient and less fragmented management of the water service." says Paolo Angelini, CEO of BFWE.
"We are very pleased to host such an important event as Accadueo. Our goal is to develop synergies with specialized trade exhibitions of high added value. Accadueo deals with a fundamental and vital theme for all of us: the protection of a precious asset like water from the perspective of a sustainable and circular economy. As Nuova Fiera del Levante, we can offer a vision of the Southern economy and we can be a Mediterranean hub, fostering dialogue between Europe and all the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, the Balkans, Africa, and the Middle East.” comments Gaetano Frulli, President of Nuova Fiera del Levante.
"After the successful experience of Mecspe, we decided to hold Accadueo in alternate years in Bari as well, confident that this theme will generate keen interest among economic operators and institutions. With this new event, we confirm and strengthen an important industrial partnership that we are certain will bear good fruit." said Gianpiero Calzolari, president of BolognaFiere.
BFWE is a joint venture founded in 2021 by BolognaFiere and Mirumir with the aim of developing a business project that contributes to the knowledge and sharing of issues related to the economic and social value of water, energy and new technological applications. The events managed by BFWE are:
ACCADUEO, an international event that has been the benchmark of the water industry nationally and internationally for more than 30 years (https://www.accadueo.com/en). In even-numbered years it is held in Bari, in odd-numbered years in Bologna.
Fueling Tomorrow, an event dedicated to the transformation of fuels and the use of new energy carriers in the transport and "hard to abate" industries sectors (https://fuelingtomorrow.it/en);
Dronitaly, Exhibition dedicated to civil drones for professional use (https://www.dronitaly.it/en)
For more information
BFWE Press Office: Elena Veronelli // +39 393 4680197 // ufficiostampa@mirumir.it // https://www.bfwe.it/